Rangammal Memorial Rehabilitation Society

Rangammal Memorial


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The Sylvia Wright Trust

The Sylvia Wright Trust (SWT) is a registered charity that supports the work of Madam Sylvia Wright in the State of Tamil Nadu in India.

The Sylvia Wright Trust is based out of Leeds, U.K. SWT has 12 members who come from different backgrounds, skills, and faiths. All the staff in this organization work on an honorary basis. Its primary objective is to raise funds for projects in India by keeping the expenses to a minimum. The objective is to save 97 pence out of every pound raised is sent to India.

For the last 38 years, the Trust has been supporting us with buildings, equipment, and daily expenses relating to the school for hearing impairment and the Day Centre for the Disabled.

The Nursing College is a self-financing unit in respect of running costs, but the Trust has been supporting us regarding building & equipment expenses.

Ramana Maharishi Rangammal Hospital

As per the Indian Nursing Council, to establish a General Nursing Midwifery (GNM ) School of Nursing, it should have its own Parent Hospital. The clinical training for the students is planned according to their year of placement and provided at our Parent hospital. Our Parent Hospital Ramana Maharishi Rangammal Hospital treats a variety of patients of all age groups in all the clinical areas. The students are placed in this hospital for obtaining the required learning experiences. The hospital has the best doctors and nurses working around the clock to provide the best care for its patients. They are well equipped with the latest technology and access to various forms of treatments to help ail and cure all illnesses, injuries, and diseases. All for a nominal price to treat all persons coming from various socio-economic backgrounds and communities. Once the clinical training period gets over, the students can choose to either continue working at Rangammal hospital or have enough experience to shift to another one as well. Currently, many of the nursing schools’ esteemed students are working at respected hospitals across Tamil Nadu including Chennai, Pondicherry